Friday, May 14, 2010

The Complexities of wearing Khmer 'Traditional Dress'

Since I am drawing on the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat as inspiration, I decided to also look the the dress of Khmer people. The patterns are not complex, but the complexities lay within the wearing of the garment. The skirt or pant is usually a rectangular piece of fabric, worn with many pleats. Here is a video I found on youtube that teached you how to wear the garment for different occasions. This is very fascinating, as in contemporary Western dress, clothing is more complex in the patterns, and wearing it only takes a few seconds. After watching the video, I realise the knowledge needed to wear the garment. Also it is inspiring and interesting to see how a piece of cloth can be draped and worn, without sewing and patterns. Very sustainable too, since there is no wastage of fabric from cutting patterns.

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